
Capital offer – free renewables training

London-based trade installers can take advantage of free renewable energy workshops from January to March 2012. Independent consultants BSK-CiC, working together with NAPIT, is providing access to specifically-designed workshops which focus on business opportunities relating to low carbon emissions and the renewable energy sectors.

The FLASH programme is led by the Institute for Sustainability and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).  It provides eligible businesses access to free workshops on how to take advantage of the ‘low to no carbon’ and retrofitting business opportunities; scheduled workshops will cover:

Speaking on behalf of NAPIT, sales and marketing director, Andy Sharp, reflected upon the schemes past success: “We’ve had nothing but positive feedback from the FLASH workshops, with many an installer recognising the timing as invaluable given the recent developments within the renewable energy marketplace.”

For further information and on-line booking, please visit


*Eligible businesses must have a London borough postcode, an annual turnover of under £42 million and less than 250 employees. 

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