
Compulsory EPC requirements to be scrapped?

Reports are circulating that mandatory elements of Green Deal may now be made voluntary due to opposition at high levels of government.

Nicknamed by opponents as a ‘conservatory tax’, proposed changes to building regulations would have seen homeowners made to incorporate energy efficiency measures when extending or converting their homes.

Under the original proposals for Green Deal, which is due to launch in October, these homeowners would have been able to fund energy efficiency improvements at no up front cost via low interest loans.

The Guardian has now reported that Prime Minister David Cameron wishes for this requirement to remain voluntary although no official statement has made.

The article adds that the Prime Minister remains committed to Green Deal but would prefer a scenario whereby homeowners were no longer required to join the scheme when making home improvements.

Supporters of Green Deal are against any such opt out and argue that, on a national level, the UK needs to become more energy efficient so less energy is consumed and carbon emissions can be reduced. The Green Deal is seen as a key part of the government’s drive to meet legally-binding carbon emissions reduction targets by 2020.