
JPCS provides foundation to 30 acres project

The Cadland Estate solar farm team l-r Steve Helliwell Benn Teasdale and Peter Verso from JPCS and Scott Hofgartner and Adrian Pike from Anesco
Ground mounted solar PV construction specialists, JPCS, has provided the foundation for what it calls the UK’s largest ground mounted solar farms

Made up of 18,000 panels, JPCS worked in partnership with Anesco by supplying 4,760 Groundscrews® to the 5MWp solar project on the Cadland Estate in Hampshire. A 30 acre project designed to generate enough electricity to power 1,000 homes.

Steve Helliwell, director at JPCS said: “Our system removes the need for excavation and concreting. Where you would usually cast small concrete pads, Groundscrew® can be used instead.

“This came as a real benefit for the project as installation took place during the wettest June on record since 1910. The whole project would have been held up if installers had to wait for dry weather to pour the concrete. Using Groundscrew® meant we could complete the project on schedule.”

Adrian Pike, ceo of Anesco who designed and managed the project, added: “Solar, along with the other technologies we deploy, are all key to creating a sustainable and mixed generation capacity for theUK, which is vital as we tackle the need to reduce carbon emissions.

“The site at Cadland blends different energy efficiency technologies together to bring the greatest benefit. It is not only helping to reduce emissions but is generating green energy, while creating jobs and long term revenue streams.”