
BBA receives UKAS accreditation

BBA Solar Panel Test Rig Nov2010
The BBA has been accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to provide certification to MCS012 which outlines the requirements for pitched roof installation kits. The document addresses three aspects of performance: resistance to wind loading, reaction to fire a nd resistance to water penetration.

From 16 September 2013, it will be mandatory for all pitched roof installation kits to be approved to MCS012 by an accredited Certification Body such as the BBA.  

BBA Test Services has invested in a test rig specifically designed to perform the weathertightness and resistance to wind uplift tests so interested parties are advised to contact us as soon as possible to beat the deadline.

As an accredited MCS Certification Body, the BBA reports that it has awarded MCS Certificates to well over 100 renewable energy product manufacturers. In addition to MCS012 certification, the BBA can certify companies for the following – solar thermal, solar PV, biomass boilers, heat pumps, wind turbines, micro CHP and BIPV.