Over the past 25 years, Vergnet has worked with developers worldwide with a track record of over 830 wind turbines, including 23 in the UK. The John Bowler Group has been trading in the agricultural sector for 33 years, initially providing a full turnkey operation to anyone wishing to enter the world of free range egg production and more recently expanding to include renewables with Bowler Energy.
The partnership is desisgned to enable the two companies to develop turnkey medium wind energy projects including site feasibility, planning, finance, installation, commissioning, FiT (Feed-in Tariff) registration, and a full package of warranties and after sales service. In addition, Bowler Energy will work with Vergnet to develop its own wind energy projects and developments on behalf of wind energy investors.
Diana Popa, UK spokesperson and European Sales Manager for Vergnet, said: ”We are delighted to announce our partnership with Bowler Energy, which is based on shared common values of innovation, quality and customer care. The John Bowler Group has a very strong reputation in the farming sector and, like Vergnet, has a very solid business track record spanning 33 years and a reputation for delivering successful projects for customers and developers.”
Lucie Bowler from Bowler Energy added: “We are a family company, with a proud heritage, passionately committed to excellence through professional, long term relationships with customers, suppliers and employees. We’ve been very impressed by Vergnet from the outset and it is a partnership that delivers on our core values of honesty, integrity, efficiency, innovation and commitment. We have a number of UK projects in the pipeline and look forward to announcing these in due course.”