Staff and associates from the BRE National Solar Centre (NSC) will be speaking in several seminar sessions, covering various topics including:
-Energy storage
-Fire mitigation and risk reduction
-Project delivery
-How close is grid parity?
-The IET Code of Practice for Grid Connected Solar PV Systems, which is shortly due for release and the de-facto standard for PV installations throughout the UK
At the NSC itself, we have completed our initial start-up period assisted by the European Regional Development Fund. This helped us to become established and also to assist many businesses in the Cornwall area. For the next phase, we are now concentrating on our main strengths of consultancy, publications and training, with plans for the development of a certification scheme for larger installations.
Our reputation for being a research-based and totally independent source of knowledge is creating a demand for our services including: assessment of potential solar sites, quality overseer of installations, investigations into faults and wind or fire-related incidents, assistance with planning and grid processes.
As part of the Building Research Establishment, the NSC is also able to tap into an enormous range of expertise and resources to help our clients with product testing, building-related issues or modelling, and also testing and demonstration of new products on the BRE Innovation Park.