
Good Energy plans to reduce carbon emissions by half 

Good Energy has committed to an ambitious target of reducing the carbon emissions of its business by half by 2030, outlined in its new 2021 purpose report, published this month. 

The renewable energy supplier has signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative, a global body enabling businesses and financial institutions to set ambitious emissions reductions targets in line with the latest climate science.   

Targets are considered ‘science-based’ if they are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, ideally to 1.5°C.   

Good Energy has already achieved significant cuts from a 2018 baseline year, when it produced the equivalent of more than 550 tonnes of CO2.   

However, the pandemic distorted the most recent figures, owing to employees working remotely leading to lower energy use and emissions from commuting.   

In addition, the business now includes home working and supply chain emissions in its reporting which puts new pressure on achieving the target.   

Hybrid working to reduce impact of commuting 

Good Energy will continue to support hybrid working to reduce the impact of commuting, as well as encouraging green travel through staff incentives.   

The supply chain is also being examined to source more net-zero suppliers, and carbon reporting now takes place on a monthly rather than an annual basis so changes can be monitored more closely.   

The Science Based Targets initiative is led within Good Energy by facilities and sustainability partner Cherish Jackson.  

She said: “Good Energy enables people to fight the climate crisis by sourcing their power from independent renewable generators across the country, but running the business results in carbon emissions of our own.  

“To reduce our environmental impact as much as possible we volunteered to take part in a scheme which would challenge us to move much further and faster.  

“Switching to a hybrid working model has already decreased commuting emissions by almost half, and green allowances encourage colleagues to walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving.  

“There’s more we can do, but we’re heading in the right direction and staff are really engaged.”  

Time is running out 

Good Energy CEO Nigel Pocklington said: “The climate crisis is already impacting all corners of the world and the simplest solution is cleaner and greener energy.  

“Time is running out, but we and our customers can lead the way and show what’s possible.”  

Alberto Carrillo Pineda, managing director, Scienced Based Targets at CDP, one of the Scienced Based Targets initiative partners, said: “We congratulate Good Energy on setting science-based targets consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement.  

“By setting ambitious science-based targets grounded in climate science, Good Energy is taking action to prevent the most damaging effects of climate change.”