
Vital Energi commits to become net zero by 2035 

Vital Energi has embarked on an ambitious journey to net zero pledging to be fully carbon neutral by 2035, and by reducing actual emissions by 50% from 2020 levels by 2030 without using offsets. 

The company is developing science-based targets to achieve these goals, and has committed to set company-wide carbon reduction initiatives in line with the international Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) net zero standard and business mmbition for 1.5°C. 

Vital Energi has also made a commitment to develop science-based carbon reduction targets demonstrates the measurable actions they are taking to reduce their environmental impact. 

Accelerating the journey to net zero 

As part of their carbon reduction plan, they are currently implementing a number of steps to accelerate their journey to net zero, including: 

  • Replacing lights across offices with LED fittings.
  • 75% of the Vital Energi fleet is electric or hybrid, and this is growing. 
  • Developing more environmentally conscious means for travel to work and site visits, such as car-pooling, public transport, and promoting digital and remote means of operating where possible. 
  • Reduced reliance upon fossil fuels for construction sites through exploring more temporary electricity supplies, electrically power plant and/or biofuel blend of fuel for construction site generators, and mobile machinery. 
  • Site welfare facilities and accommodation powered and heated by renewable energy. 

“By making a bold commitment to achieve net zero well ahead of the 2050 target, we are demonstrating our ongoing commitment to responsible and sustainable operations.  

“As an industry leader in sustainable energy solutions, we recognise that it is important to set ambitious science-based targets to demonstrate to our clients and peers that not only is this the right thing to do but that it is practically and commercially possible,” said Vital Energi’s sustainability director, Craig Anderson.