
Day in the life… MCS’ CEO Ian Rippin 

We’re pleased to welcome along Ian Rippin from MCS to our feature that looks behind the lens at a day in the life of key people in the industry.  

Name:  Ian Rippin 
Organisation: MCS  
Job title: Chief Executive Officer 
Location in the UK: Warrington, Sci-Tech Daresbury, North West 
Your company/business in one line: Working with industry, MCS defines, maintains and improves quality by certifying small-scale, low-carbon energy technologies and contractors – including heat pumps, solar, battery storage, biomass, wind turbines and battery storage. 

My alarm goes off at… 

The first thing I do each day… 
Catch up on the latest news via the BBC News app. 

I prepare for the day ahead by… 
Looking at the meetings I have scheduled and reading any associated emails and paperwork to ensure that I am prepared.  

I can’t leave the house without… 
Drinking at least one cup of coffee! 

My typical day… 
If I am working in the MCS office, I arrive fairly early. Once the coffee machine is up and running, I set up my desk for today with any papers I might need for the meetings that I have scheduled.  
We have a collaborative, open-plan office, which I prefer as I get to chat with the MCS team and hear what is going on.  
Typically, my meetings start at 8:30am and run through to 5pm. I try and leave space in the diary to contribute to our ongoing developments and provide support to my colleagues.  
While most of my days run to a schedule, I actually welcome the unexpected. In my role, I believe I need to be open to the unexpected, whether a problem to be solved or an opportunity to secure.  Some of my most memorable work moments have come from dealing with the unexpected. Work-life would be pretty dull without these!    

My most memorable work moment… 
Delivering a turnaround in the fortunes of MCS. Back in 2018, the scheme had a poor reputation and made a significant financial loss. I am proud of what has been achieved over the last few years by the superb MCS team. There is always more to do, and the next phase of planned changes is due soon. 

The worst part of my job… 
Having to deal with a small minority of contractors who are repeat offenders when it comes to delivering poor-quality installations for their customers. MCS will and does act to suspend or remove these contractors. In these situations, there is always an excuse for not doing the right thing the first time around. We work to address this.    

The best part of my job is… 
Meeting contractors and our various stakeholders. MCS has an extensive network as we a key part of the sector’s quality assurance and consumer protection work. 

I relax after work by… 
Getting outside. I love my garden and like walking at the weekends.  

On my bedside table… 
Four books that I have started but have not yet finished!  

The last thing I do each day is… 
Put the dishwasher on. 

I’m normally in bed by… 

Would you like to feature in our ‘day in the life’ segment? Drop us a line at and we’ll be in contact.