
A Day in the Life with Heatio’s Thomas Farquhar

Name: Thomas Farquhar 
Organisation: Heatio
Job title: Chief commercial officer
Location in the UK: North West
Your company/business in one line: Making clean, affordable energy accessible to everyone, by making homes smarter.

Join us for a "Day in the Life" feature with Thomas Farquhar, the Chief Commercial Officer at Heatio, a company dedicated to making clean, affordable energy accessible by making homes smarter.

Join us for our Day in the Life feature with Thomas Farquhar, the chief commercial officer at Heatio, a company dedicated to making clean, affordable energy accessible by making homes smarter.  

Based in the North West of the UK, Thomas starts his days early with family responsibilities before diving into a busy schedule of meetings and strategic planning.  

Whether he’s commuting or working from home, his role involves a mix of hands-on activities and high-level strategising aimed at advancing Heatio’s mission.  

Follow along to discover how Thomas navigates the challenges and rewards of his role, balancing professional demands with personal commitments. 

My alarm goes off at … 6-6.30 am (child-based alarm)

The first thing I do each day is … my wife and I make breakfast for the boys, attempt to make a coffee, I usually read the news, deal with early emails, and get them both dressed and ready.

I prepare for the day ahead by … checking my calendar, sending any prep emails or researching anything pertinent to my meetings the next day.

I can’t leave the house without … my phone and notebook (paper).

My typical day… I’m usually woken up by either one or both of our children telling me it’s time for breakfast, typically 6-6.30am. The next hour and a half consists of my wife and I making breakfast for them, coffee for us, dressing them whilst watching a series of early morning children’s shows, any pre-school reading or work and then off on the school run. It’s usually one drop-off at Nursery followed shortly after by the other at school, all before 9am, ideally a tag team approach. 

Midsummer Spring 2025 banner

If I’m travelling that day then early morning clubs typically mean I’m on the road or a train by around 8am. Depending on where I am travelling to, or if I’m in our Liverpool office or at home, I usually have a fairly packed calendar of virtual calls (not a fan) and in-person meetings (big fan). During the short gaps in between, I’m dealing with emails and notifications from one of the 53 different communication platforms everyone now uses.

On the run

A day in the life with Thomas Farquhar 
A day in the life with Thomas Farquhar 

If I’m at home, I aim to run 10k either first thing or at lunchtime. I don’t eat breakfast and usually miss lunch, and stay fuelled on liquids and the odd snack if time permits. School pick up is either 3.15pm or 5.30pm depending on the day and where my wife is, with the nursery at 5.45pm, so I will nip out to do this in between calls if I can, as both are within 3-4 mins of our house

Then, depending on the day, evenings usually consist of a child-based activity like swimming or football, making tea for our eldest, bath, stories and bed, before collapsing and having something to eat together, unless it is one of those days where we have later evening calls based on time zones. Then maybe 1-2 hours of tidying up, eating, and a brief television followed by bed!

My most memorable work moment … visiting Slush in Helsinki as part of Baltic Ventures’ first cohort of high-growth, innovative tech businesses. An incredible trip meeting investors and like-minded tech experts from across the globe.

The worst part of my job … admin, receipts and travelling on trains.

The best part of my job … working with incredibly talented people, affecting real change, and seeing people truly value what we have built.

I relax after work by …  watching TV with my wife or sharing a meal if we can, working out, playing the odd video game, and reading.

Join us for a "Day in the Life" feature with Thomas Farquhar, the Chief Commercial Officer at Heatio, a company dedicated to making clean, affordable energy accessible by making homes smarter.

On my bedside table is… photos of us and our two little boys, a stack of books, some vitamins and a bottle of water.

The last thing I do each day is … check on my two boys, make sure they are tucked in.

I’m normally in bed by … 10pm.