
78% of UK want more renewables investment

The Eco Experts’ latest National Home Energy Survey reveals that 78% of the UK public want increased government investment in renewable energy sources.

Several houses seen from above with solar panels.
  • Majority of UK Want Government to Invest in more renewable energy sources
  • 78% of UK public want the government to invest in more renewable energy sources
  • One third want more government investment in wind power
  • One quarter want more government investment in solar power

With a UK general election approaching on July 4th, The Eco Experts have revealed what the UK public is likely to want from green policy manifestos.

Data from The Eco Experts’ latest National Home Energy Survey revealed that 78% of surveyed UK adults want the government to invest in more renewable energy sources.

Events such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the increased demand for energy after the pandemic, has likely contributed to the demand for greater government investment in renewable energy.

The demand for wind power

Wind power is the most popular form of renewable energy respondents want the government to invest in, with one third of respondents wanting investment in wind power. Additionally, one quarter of the people surveyed want more investment in solar power.

This demand for renewable energy sources could also be due to the fact that fossil fuels are unreliable and subject to wild price increases for reasons out of public control.

Regional differences

The Eco Experts’ survey of 2,134 UK adults also highlighted a regional difference in people wanting more government investment in fossil fuels. 15% of people in the North East want more money put into North Sea gas, compared to just 5% of people in the South East.

It could be likely that people in the North East view greater investment in North Sea gas as an opportunity for more jobs.

However, all regions of the UK had between 70% and 80% support for renewable energy, making it clear that the majority of respondents want the UK government to shift to greener ways of heating and powering the country.

The Eco Experts’ senior writer Tamara Birch, comments: “Last year’s National Home Energy Survey found that 78% of UK adults want the government to invest in more renewable energy sources. Surprisingly, wind power was found to be the most-popular area where people wanted the government to invest.

“The upcoming General Election provides a huge opportunity for the main parties to review their environmental and renewable energy policies to reduce our energy bills and strengthen the UK’s energy security in the long term, while helping the UK to meet its net zero emissions targets.”

Photo by Blake Wheeler on Unsplash