
GTEC brings portable renewables training to the Isle of Man

GTEC, a division of the United Living Group, has teamed up with Construction Isle of Man (CIOM) and the Manx government to introduce MCS accredited renewables training on the Isle of Man (IOM).

Training students

Until now, there was no such training available on the island, forcing heating engineers to travel to the UK to up-skill in renewable technologies.

Recognising the gap in training for installers eager to transition to renewables, GTEC saw an opportunity to support the island’s ambitious net zero targets.

The IOM government has set a goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, with interim targets of a 35% reduction by 2030 and a 45% reduction by 2035. As part of this plan, the island aims to decarbonise its electricity supply by 2030 and locally generate an additional 30 megawatts of renewable electricity by 2026.

On-island training with mobile rigs

Debbie Reeve, chief officer for Construction IOM, expressed her enthusiasm for the new training initiative:”GTEC has built some great mobile rigs that they have brought to the island to train our heating engineers this summer.

“The first courses in solar PV, electrical energy storage systems (EESS), and air source heat pump installation were delivered at the Comis Hotel at Mount Murray in late June, with more planned for July and later in the year.

“Historically, many installers have been put off by the prospect of travelling over to the UK in search of renewables training, due to the additional cost of travel, accommodation, and the time away from home. So the project, which is supported by CIOM and the Manx government, has generated a lot of interest. We’ve already had a great uptake for the pilot courses.”

Financial assistance for contractors

Reeve also highlighted the financial support available for contractors: “With the help of government support, contractors taking up the training for their workforce can apply for financial assistance to help with the course fees. For more information, visit and search for the vocational training assistance scheme.”

Griff Thomas, managing director of GTEC, is pleased to contribute to the Isle of Man’s green goals:”The Isle of Man is a terrific place, and we’re excited to be bringing renewables training to installers keen to support the island’s drive towards a greener future.

“Our rigs will provide learners with excellent hands-on experience to back up the theoretical training we deliver. The location at Mount Murray is perfect to kick things off, but because the rigs are portable, there’s the opportunity to deliver training at other locations in the future.”

Supporting local installers and sustainability

This initiative marks a significant step towards equipping the Isle of Man’s workforce with the skills needed to meet its ambitious environmental targets, while also making the process more accessible and convenient for local installers.

Image: GTEC