
MCS launches new consultation

On Friday 08 June, MCS launched a consultation to promote its new Company Competence Criteria for renewable energy installers registered to the scheme.

In recent months, MCS says it has been working to establish a new working group designed to consider and report on a suitable process to include competence criteria requirements in the MCS installation standards. This would encompass all technologies and identify performance criteria relevant to a company certification scheme. These proposals are designed to make things clearer – not more complicated.

MCS hopes that its consultation will make it simpler for everyone to understand exactly what they need to become members of the Scheme. The company scheme will remain the same, but will provide clearer defined Competency Criteria to demonstrate compliance against.

In addition to linking back through the company competence criteria, MCS has also developed clear benchmarks for experienced workers who do not hold specific individual qualifications. This criterion is set at the same level of existing qualification frameworks, and so ensures there is an equal playing field for all individuals and companies joining the Scheme. The Experienced Worker Route (EWR) document is guidance to be used by all Certification Bodies to ensure consistency when approving companies against the performance criteria within the MCS Scheme documents.

The proposed changes will have an effect on all existing registered companies. However it is planned that the changes will be minimal in the majority of cases, and will actually improve the clarity and understanding for all companies further improving the process for new or existing companies seeking assessments for registration. From November 2012 – companies already certificated will have their compliance with this competence guide audited during surveillance. The Certification Body should ensure that all aspects of competence are audited over the following five surveillance visits (with safety critical checks in year one). Companies can arrange for an ‘on-site’ assessment under the experienced worker route with their MCS accredited certification body. All new applications for registration will have to comply with the process from November 2012.

To access the documents and response form, visit