Speaking at The Micropower Council’s summer reception, Mr Verkempynck criticised the government for ‘stop-start’ policies such as the Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) scheme which had resulted in missed opportunities for the renewables industry.
He added: “I am sad to say that Q1 of 2012 was the fourth consecutive quarter in which we saw a significant slowdown in market growth, despite Daikin’s and other manufacturers’ substantial commercial efforts. There is of course the wider economic pressure, but I am sorry to say that our sales teams’ most reported difficulties are policy related.
“Whilst RHPP phase 2 and its increased funding in such austere times are welcome developments, the specific details of the scheme simply came too late to maintain the momentum of phase 1, and the compliance requirements of phase 1 were so onerous that the scheme seriously underspent its budget.
“What should have been a serious boost for industry has become something of a missed opportunity.”