In these days of reduced FiTs and delayed domestic RHI, you might think that financial help forrenewables projects is difficult to come by. However, there areorganisations out there with money to spend on the right projects.
One such organisation is a carbon reduction charity called PURE the Clean Planet Trust, which supports community renewable energy projects in theUKthrough the PURE Community Energy Fund, providing low interest loans of up to £50k to help community organisations to install renewable energy technology.
So far, PURE has helped to finance 40 community renewable energy projects in theUK; in the most recent round two community-owned swimming pools, two community centres and one community energy cooperative received funding.
There are, of course, some eligibility criteria, but PURE is mainly interested in projects that demonstrate a strong community benefit and are located in the 50 per cent most deprived areas according to the governments’ Index of Mass Deprivation, and energy cooperatives as well as not-for-profitorganisations.
Further details of eligibility and registration are on the website: (see Pure Community Energy Fund).