One module is a pre-assessment tool that gives the industry a new method for conducting Green Deal pre-assessment. The tool is designed to reduce risk and allows companies to increase their effectiveness, saving time and money.
The other two elements deal with existing dwelling EPCs (called rdProSAP) and occupancy assessment (OA) (called oaProSAP) and are available free to appropriately licensed BRE Global DEAs and GDAs.
Both modules have a single login process and visual guides to help identify next steps and draw up a simple EPC summary which identifies potential savings.
The suite of software will be extended next month to include an ECO calculator module and GDA iPad app.
Software user Nick Withey, a DEA based in south Wales said: “The program is very user friendly and quickly guides the user through the data inputs in a simple and logical step-by-step process.”
He added: “The software also contains an impressive management tool for logging and tracking EPCs, which will definitely save me time managing my instructions.”