
The Solar Future

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The Solar Future is the UK’s leading solar PV conference. This year it will take place on 16th July at Central Hall, Westminster in London, and will be followed by the Energy Storage UK conference on 17th July, at the same venue.

The conference boasts excellent speakers including Minister of State at the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), Gregory Barker, who will deliver the keynote address.

The event will see solar PV experts from leading organisations and associations come together to share their knowledge and experience.

It will provide a forum for stakeholders to discuss current issues in the UK solar PV industry and debate future strategies.

As an attendee you will discover: 

·       If government action will be a catalyst for market growth

·       The vision for solar financing

·       What’s next for the UK, the world’s fifth largest solar market

·       Insight into European solar industry and policy

·       How utilities should market solar-based power offers to end-users

The Solar Future UK ‘13 is also a superb networking opportunity: meet with solar entrepreneurs, investors and manufacturers.

Register before June 16th for a 10% early bird discount.