A Cross Skill voucher is eligible for solar thermal, heat-pump and biomass courses and is valued up to £500 or 75 percent of the total course cost including VAT – whichever is the lesser amount. So if a solar thermal course is priced at £500 + VAT totalling £600, then the voucher would be for £450. For a biomass course priced at £650 + VAT totalling £780, 75 percent of the cost is £585, but the voucher would be for a maximum of £500. Payment is made to the Training Provider upon completion of the course and assessment. Apprenticeship support vouchers are also available up to £2,500 to support those nearing the end of their plumbing/heating apprenticeship to become skilled with one or more renewable technologies.
RHI training vouchers are accepted at several HETAS approved training centres including the Grimsby Institute, The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Powys, Euroheat in Bishops Frome, and three of Sevenoaks training centres. You can find out more about the RHI training vouchers at www.rhitraining.co.uk. Biomass training is now available at the majority of HETAS approved training centres around the country. For more information visit www.hetas.co.uk.