It’s a world first of which we should be proud but now we need to see a transfer from the policy to the practical delivery.
The officials at the Department of Energy and Climate Change responsible for the scheme have been very busy in attending lots of events, including many of ours, to both give out information and to listen to reactions and comments. This approach is to be welcomed and encouraged.
Now we must see how effective the scheme is in accelerating the uptake of renewable heating systems and, whilst very early signs are favourable, it is much too soon to make any meaningful conclusions. No doubt many people will be keen to see the scheme statistics. Monthly updates of progress will be published on the website. The monthly data will include the estimation of the total amount of committed expenditure for each tariff for the next 12 months. This will be based on applications accredited and applications received.
After three months we will also see the first round of legacy applications from those that received Renewable Heat Premium Payments before 20th May 2013.
So far, so good.