The EUA advises anyone buying a heat pump to put some of the cost onto their credit card, even a nominal amount, to protect themselves under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act.
Doing this makes the credit card company jointly responsible for any misrepresentation or breach of contract on behalf of the seller. Claiming the credit card company is often better, particularly when the supplier ceases trading.
Chief executive Mike Foster commented on the advice: “The recent CMA report on new green heating technologies should concern us all. As an industry we should be putting consumer interest first, and here is some simple and cost-free advice to help protect people buying products like a heat pump for the first time.”
An extra layer of protection
“Sticking a few quid of the purchase on the credit card offers consumers an extra layer of protection compared to a simple bank transfer. Then if things go wrong or the performance is not as you were sold, you have an extra route available to seek redress.”
“This help isn’t new, but given the concerns expressed by the CMA over exaggerated performance quoted by some suppliers of green heating technologies, reminding consumers that S.75 of the Consumer Credit Act is there for them.”
“This advice is applicable to the installation of any new domestic heating or hot water system domestic heating to protect homeowners if they do not perform as promised.”
“I’m grateful to Lincoln Green Solicitors for helping to produce a simple briefing note that consumers will find helpful, which we will promote. They also have plenty of experience in representing consumers who want to make a claim against firms that have supplied green heating technologies like heat pumps that have simply not performed as promised.”