
Helping your customers get winter-ready: a guide for installers 

As winter approaches, it’s not just the falling leaves and cooler temperatures that signal change.  

As the cold season approaches, help your customers keep cosy! Check out these insights from heating expert Dave Lines at Home How to ensure their homes stay warm all winter.

It’s the perfect time for central heating installers to equip your customers with essential tips to prepare their heating systems for the chilly months ahead. In this guide, by heating expert Dave Lines from Home How, you’ll find valuable insights to share with your clients, ensuring their homes stay warm and comfortable throughout winter.  

Get a boiler service 

Regular boiler servicing is important in ensuring your central heating and hot water systems remain in good working order. Getting a boiler service annually can help to ensure your boiler is ready to tackle the harsh winter weather, keeping your home cosy and warm throughout the entire heating season.  

When your boiler is well-maintained, it will run more efficiently and will be able to heat your home much easier and quicker. A well-maintained boiler will also help you save money on your energy bills.  

A boiler service can help you identify any issues with the boiler and heating system before they become a much bigger problem. This is essential before the heating season to prevent going without heating or hot water if your boiler was to break down.  

Bleed your radiators 

After a while, air can build up in your radiators and become trapped. The most obvious sign of this is gurgling sounds coming from the heating system – usually indicating that air is being pushed through the system. Another major sign of trapped air is cold spots on your radiators. Feel all over your radiators for any cold spots indicating trapped air.  

To bleed your radiators, turn your heating off and allow your radiators to cool down. Open the bleed valve with a radiator key. You should hear a hiss, which indicates the trapped air is escaping. Keep allowing the hissing air to escape until you notice water escaping. When you see the first drop spatter of water escape, immediately close the bleed valve. Complete this task for all radiators before turning your heating back on.  

It’s helpful to bleed your radiators regularly to ensure your heating system runs as efficiently as possible. Leaving air in your radiators for a long time could also cause damage to the system.  

Insulate your home 

Next, you will need to make sure your home is well-insulated. Begin with insulating the pipes in your home. This will reduce the risks of them freezing when the temperature drops below zero. Frozen pipes will prevent water flow and could cause bursts, which you do not want to end up with.  

Once you’ve insulated the pipes in your home, work on insulating the other areas of your home. Pay particular attention to your loft, as this is where much heat is lost. A well-insulated home will reduce the strain on your heating system and reduce your energy bills.  

Invest in a smart thermostat 

If you haven’t already got one, it’s worth investing in a smart thermostat. On average, a smart thermostat can help you save around £150 per year on your heating bills. These devices connect to your home’s Wi-Fi and give you the luxury of controlling your heating system from your computer, smartphone, tablet, and sometimes even your smartwatch.  

Smart thermostats are designed to help you save money where possible. You can view your energy usage much easier to see where you’re wasting money. You can easily set up routines depending on what you do daily. You can also turn your heating on or off remotely, allowing you to ensure your home is always warm before you arrive and allowing you to delay your heating schedule if you end up staying out for longer than usual.  

Many thermostats can also learn from your habits. They can detect when nobody is home and switch the heating on and off accordingly.  

Final thoughts 

There’s no escaping the cold weather, unfortunately. However, with the right amount of preparation, you can ensure your heating system is up to scratch and ready to keep you and your family warm throughout the winter.