
Heat battery trial shows UK homes can go lowcarbon

A landmark 18-month Neat Heat trial led by UK Power Networks, in partnership with OVO and tepeo, has shown that millions of UK homes could successfully adopt low-carbon electrified heating using innovative heat battery technology.

UK landscape

The trial demonstrated that tepeo’s Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB) can shift up to 95% of peak energy demand to off-peak times, easing pressure on the grid while significantly reducing carbon emissions.

Trial success in decarbonising heating

The trial, which involved installing ZEBs in homes across Southeast and East England, highlighted the potential of heat batteries to provide efficient heating, even in winter, while cutting carbon emissions by ~15,600 kgCO2e compared to gas boilers. By leveraging thermal storage, the ZEB allowed homes to ‘charge’ during off-peak hours and release heat on demand.

Customer benefits and grid flexibility

Participants experienced no noticeable change in their heating, and over 2,000 customers expressed interest in the trial. The ZEB technology, combined with OVO’s innovative type of use tariff, enabled homes to shift 95% of their yearly heating demand outside peak hours. This provided substantial flexibility for the grid, especially during winter’s coldest weeks.

UK Power Networks’ head of innovation, Luca Grella, said: “Being able to move electricity demand away from peak hours is huge for both our network and customers.

“Shifting demand away from peak hours will reduce the upgrades needed to keep up with the future demand of green technologies, which would ultimately have been paid for by customers across the country.”

Future of low-carbon heating

Johan du Plessis, CEO of tepeo, added:“Neat Heat’s success paves the way for the wider deployment of heat batteries, which is critical to the UK’s successful transition to net zero. Heat batteries working in tandem with dynamic tariffs will enable millions of homes currently unable to switch to low-carbon solutions to join the green transition.”

OVO’s head of heat, Grainne Regan, remarked:“The ability to decouple electricity consumption from heating is an essential part of decarbonising home heating. This trial represents a huge step forward in our joint mission to decarbonise the UK energy grid by 2035.”

Image: Unsplash