Low Carbon Home 23
Grant UK’s net zero heating show podcast lands at a podcast provider near you.
A ground-breaking new partnership between AceOn and Rebel Energy has been launched to deliver lower bills for social and affordable housing tenants.
Wolseley has opened a brand-new Plumb & Parts contract branch on the outskirts of Edinburgh, in Newbridge.
SunGift Solar joins forces with Plymouth city council to make the city carbon neutral by 2030 – 20 years ahead of the government’s target
Tradeswomen in plumbing, heating and ventilation are in the top 10 lowest ranking roles that attract an equal pay to men in the same trade.
Renewable energy protecting the past as well as the future as Stonehouse Heritage Group secures funding.
Calling installers: small steps to make your business green. more customers, and has the potential to make your business more efficient and, ultimately, more profitable.
Are you planning to move over to renewables? 72% of installers are likely to expand into renewables in the next three years while 83% plan to transition into air source heat pump renewables, a Wolseley study reveals.
‘The UK must go green, but it must go green safely. All involved in infrastructure projects must search before they dig,’ an opinion piece from Richard Broome, MD at LSBUD,
What part does small scale wind play in net zero? Crossflow CEO, Martin Barnes, shares his thoughts and asks what kind of practical approaches can best reduce organisational carbon footprints.
The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) has won the Training Initiative of the Year at the Trade Association Forum (TAF) best practice awards. It was also shortlisted in three other categories: digital transformation, event of the year, and sustainability initiative.
The co-founder and CMO of eco-smart tech pioneer, myenergi, Jordan Brompton has been announced as a finalist in the ‘entrepreneur’ category at this year’s FDM everywoman in Technology Awards.
Rural, off-the-grid social housing in need of a retrofit to reduce costs and increase control of heat and water was the task for Kensa during this Shropshire-based case study. See how they did it...
ReEnergise is helping a college to save 250 tonnes of CO2 a year with the installation of four Viessmann heat pumps.
In a further boost to the industry, a recent survey by Logic4Training has revealed that 70% of installers believe a career in gas is a good choice.
Viessmann’s new long term loyalty programme provides points-based reward scheme for installers.
Residents in 18 red wall constituencies in the north of England have made clear their views on home heating and net zero, results of exclusive polling conducted for the not-for-profit trade body Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) has revealed.
It's not every day we see a case study at such a beautiful and challenging location. Bath Abbey was the subject of this impressive installation by isoenergy.
Energy storage - why investing in energy storage at the same time as renewable products such as solar or air source heat pumps holds the key to net zero emissions. Carlton Cummins, co-founder and chief technical officer at clean technology firm Aceleron explains the benefits.
and installers across the UK, welcomes the BEIS select committee’s recently released report on heat decarbonisation.
Over 100 Nottingham council homes are to benefit from improvement works to increase their energy efficiency and reduce heating and energy costs for residents.
the team’s ESCo offering and developing energy models of energy performance contract (EPC) projects such as Re:fit.
The latest wave of funding from the Department of Education under its ‘skills bootcamp' scheme, should provide a boost for plumbing and heating installers as well as electricians looking to upskill into renewables. Griff Thomas, from GTEC, highlights concerns of potential frustration amongst training providers and installers.
Vital Energi is working with Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to cut their carbon footprint by 1,700 tonnes through green installations that guarantee a saving up £750,000 each year.