Low Carbon Home 71


The right switch

Santon Switchgear has launched its new and improved DC isolator range.


Green Deal awareness still lagging, reports YouGov

A new report from YouGov SixthSense reveals that a fifth (21 per cent) of homeowners in Britain say their homes often feel cold, but the high cost of heating is leading many to seek out ways to reduce energy consumption and make their homes more efficient.


Renewable Roadshow team launch consumer show

The team behind the Renewables Roadshow, now known at Energy Efficiency Exhibitions incorporating Renewables Roadshow, has launched a new show aimed at bringing energy efficiency measures to the wider public.


Eco2Solar lands environmental award

Paul Hutchens (left), managing director of Eco2Solar and John Phillips regional director of IoD. Eco2Solar managing director Paul Hutchens has been awarded the Environmental Award at the ninth annual Institute of Directors (IoD) West Midlands Director of the Year Awards.


The simple life

BRE has developed software to help simplify energy performance certificate (EPC) and Green Deal assessments. The core of the software comprises three modules for domestic energy assessors (DEA) and Green Deal advisors (GDA).


Renewable Energy Marketplace comes to Bournemouth

Regen SW and Bournemouth Borough Council in partnership with Mouchel are hosting a Renewable Energy Marketplace exhibition and conference on 18 June at the Bournemouth International Conference Centre.


NICEIC launches new catalogue

NICEIC has launched its latest catalogue with equipment for electrical contractors at discounted prices.


Industry welcomes Scottish renewables report

Wind turbines on Lewis The UK and Scottish governments have jointly published a report recognising the economic benefits of developing renewables projects on Scottish islands.


REA rejects biomass capacity cap

DECC has launched a ‘Consultation on a notification process for new build dedicated biomass projects’ with proposals on how to limit new biomass projects under the Renewables Obligation.


Gaia Wind unveils expansion programme

Small wind turbine manufacturer Gaia Wind has set out a programme to extend its customer reach by doubling the size of its sales and distribution network and signing a joint research partnership with the University of Strathclyde.


Xylem Lowara marks Earth Day with rainforest sponsorship

Xylem Lowara UK staff wear green and blue in honour of Earth Day 2013 Xylem Lowara UK has announced the sponsorship of a one acre of rainforest in Bolivia as part of its annual Earth Day celebrations.


New RHI regulations published

Regulations for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) have now been amended, incorporating the government’s degression mechanism into legislation.


Smart meter rollout suffers fresh delays

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has announced that it is to delay the national rollout of smart meters in 30m UK homes.


Indian MPs to study UK renewable energy

A delegation of Indian MPs is to visit the UK for discussions on low carbon growth with UK ministers, institutions and renewable energy experts.


South West announces first renewable energy manifesto

Regen SW has written to all MPs in the south west inviting them to pledge to develop a world-leading renewable energy industry – employing 34,000 people by the end of the decade.


Samsung test site gets government backing

Scottish Enterprise has pledged £6m to assist Samsung Heavy industries in building an offshore wind turbine testing centre near Fife.


Payback time

Alphatronix has launched a brand new version of iSolarPayback for iPhone and iPad.