Products 5

LBM Team members


NPIF II invests in Northumberland electrical firm

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II (NPIF II) has completed its first investment in Northumberland, with a five-figure loan to electrical contracting firm LBM Group (NE) Ltd (LBM).


Say ‘No’ to the DNO

An alternative to expensive grid connections and upgrades.
Heat pump illustration


Are heat pumps reaching their full potential?

A new study by Gemserv and Minviro shows how greener manufacturing processes can halve the emissions of heat pumps, making them even more sustainable across their entire lifecycle.
Solar panels being installed


Record-breaking solar auction set to cut energy bills

Record-breaking results from the latest renewable energy auction will bring 3,288MW of solar capacity to the UK, set to lower energy bills within two years and support the country’s net-zero ambitions.