Solar 66


Made In China

Sixty per cent of the world is now generating electricity using solar products manufactured in China.  In latter years, made in China, left UK ...


Sun shines on fish farm

Houghton Springs Fish Farm in Dorset has become the first fish farm in the country to invest in solar power. The 10kWp system installed by ...


Excellence award first for Cheshire company

Cheshire-based JPCS has become the first in its sector to receive a UK Excellence Award from the British Quality Foundation for its products and services.


Solar pioneer reacts to Feed-in Tariff cuts

GB-Sol’s managing director Bruce Cross A manufacturer and solar pioneer has spoken out about the government Feed-in Tariff cuts, just as the ...


Kingspan Renewables launches wind turbines

Kingspan Renewables has announced the launch of a 6KW and 3KW wind turbine, based on the Proven Energy small wind turbine technology.  Kingspan Renewables ...