Solar 66
If ELECSA had its own van bumper sticker for its circa 7,000 approved contractors it would read, Electricians do it with the lights on
Sixty per cent of the world is now generating electricity using solar products manufactured in China. In latter years, made in China, left UK ...
The official Parliamentary record has released the names of the MPs who voted against a Labour motion to delay the December 12 deadline for a ...
The revolt in the House of Commons yesterday (November 23) over government proposals to slash Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) payments by more than half was welcomed by a ...
Commenting on the solar industry’s lobby of Parliament today (Tuesday 22 November 2011) over government plans to cut solar payments – organised by Cut Don’t kill – ...
Houghton Springs Fish Farm in Dorset has become the first fish farm in the country to invest in solar power. The 10kWp system installed by ...
Despite the government’s proposed halving of Feed-In Tariff (FiT) payments for solar installations, Leeds-based Oakapple Renewable Energy has confirmed that it is still forging ...
According to Ecovision, recent headline-grabbing changes to the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) have left the consumer in the dark. It is now more critical than ever ...
Burnley firm Solarlec has launched a legal challenge against the government after it announced urgent plans to slash subsidies paid to consumers who generate their ...
Wholesale electricity prices will rise by at least 40 per cent over the next ten years, according to a survey of leading industry figures.
More than 90 ...
Friends of the Earth is taking the government to court over its plans to slash financial incentives for households and communities that install solar electricity, ...
Houghton’s new £21m Primary Care Centre is now open to the public. The fourth centre of its kind to be built in Sunderland, has ...
The head of the UK’s biggest business lobby group has accused the UK government of scoring an “own goal” with plans to halve the ...
Cheshire-based JPCS has become the first in its sector to receive a UK Excellence Award from the British Quality Foundation for its products and services.
As the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) announced a reduction in the Feed-in Tariff’ (FiT) last week (31 October 2011), Peter Searancke, managing director ...
Antaris Solar, solar technology provider with headquarters in Germany, has been selected as the PV affinity partner by NICEIC. The partnership brings together German quality ...
New research shows that over half of British companies in the solar industry will slash their workforce by over 50 per cent due to cuts to ...
GB-Sol’s managing director Bruce Cross
A manufacturer and solar pioneer has spoken out about the government Feed-in Tariff cuts, just as the ...
The coalition government’s Feed-in Tariff (FiT) for new solar PV installations cut could lead to comeback for solar thermal sales, according to one ...
Kingspan Renewables has announced the launch of a 6KW and 3KW wind turbine, based on the Proven Energy small wind turbine technology. Kingspan Renewables ...