News 53


Govt challenged to back UK solar following Paris agreement

Following the historic COP21 climate agreement signed in Paris over the weekend, the UK Solar Trade Association is calling on the Chancellor and the Energy Secretary to put their commitments into practice in a decision on support for solar PV in the UK.


China’s Trina Solar pulls out of European pricing scheme

Trina Solar, a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions, and services, has announced its withdrawal from the European Union Price Undertaking (UT) and will continue to service EU customers through its overseas manufacturing facilities.


Analysis reveals Scotland leads drive for renewable heat

Scottish businesses and community energy projects have adopted biomass and other forms of renewable heat at a faster rate than anywhere else in the UK, according to new analysis of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) adoption statistics by Raggnar, the renewable energy provider.


Bristol’s renewable energy successes recognised by international panel

Bristol’s achievements increasing its renewable energy supply have been recognised by a high-level international panel organised by the European Commission and featuring a Member of the European Parliament at the UN’s COP21 global climate talks in Paris.


Derby’s new high-tech hub powered by 200-panel PV array

The Innovation Hub at the heart of Derby’s multi-million pound Infinity Park Derby is now being powered by clean, onsite renewables thanks to a new 350m² rooftop solar system installed by EvoEnergy.


UK homebuilders breaking new ground on sustainability performance

NextGeneration, the benchmark which assesses and ranks the UK’s 25 largest homebuilders on their sustainability performance has today released its annual report highlighting that members are breaking new ground in delivering sustainable homes.


UK’s top business brands call on PM to support clean energy

Ten leading businesses, including Tesco, BT, and M&S, have written to David Cameron on the eve before a crucial climate summit asking for stable policies and adequate funding to support Britain’s clean energy sector.


REA issues CSR wishlist

The Renewable Energy Association has put forward its top 10 wishlist to support renewables, ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review